Book an English-speaking taxi driver for a day of sightseeing within 30kms of the starting point from all major destinations. All vehicles are airconditioned and drivers have been carefully vetted.

If you’d like to travel beyond 30kms, or hire a driver for an extended trip, please contact us for a quote.

Minibus Hire

If you are organising a group or travelling with extended family members, then a minibus may be more affordable. Contact us today to enquire about minibus and van hire.

‘Thanks for organising our wonderful Indian holiday. It was so well organised, all our drivers were fantastic, especially Sammy, our driver through Rajasthan. He was such a lovely gentleman and he looked after us like we were his daughters.'

Sharon Widdicombe


‘What a way to finish our trip in India. Thanks Sharon Thrupp and Shiv for organising everything so perfectly for us. The drivers and guides have always been on time and have treated us with the utmost respect. Feeling very blessed and lucky to have had this privilege.'

Tracey and Neil
